
TOEICJyuku and ECSS = Judgment and Critics Free Zoon School






「DX,digital transformation」とはデジタル技術を社会に浸透させることで、人々の生活をより良いものへと変革することを指します。

Digital transformation (DX) is a strategy of enabling business innovation predicated on the incorporation of digital technologies into your operational process, products, solutions, and customer interactions.


Reskilling involves training employees on an entirely new set of skills to prepare them to take on a different role within the company. This typically occurs when workers' previous tasks or responsibilities become irrelevant, often due to advances in technology.


*クラス内容(一部): Class contents (partial):

*パスワードとユーザー管理 (Password and user management)
Since one computer can be used by multiple users, you will learn how the configuration of the computer changes by adding and deleting users.

*毎日のタイピングレッスン (daily typing lessons)
Students will learn to take typing lessons at home using a PC, score themselves, and upload their grades to Google Cloud. Students practice daily so that they can type 20 to 40 words per minute.

*パソコンのハードとソフトの構成 (Computer hardware and software configuration)
画面、キイボード、USBポートなどのハードウエアについてDevice Managerを開いて学習する。また、OS(オペレーティングシステムと)は何か、さらに、WordとかExcelソフトウエアがどの様に構成されているか学習する。
Open Device Manager to learn about hardware such as screens, keyboards, and USB ports. You will also learn what an OS (operating system) is and how Word and Excel software are organized.

*ファイルタイプの種類と属性 (File type and attribute) ワード、エクセル、PDF、フォトショップなどのデータがどこにどの様に保存しているかを学習する。また、ファイルタイプの種類と属性についても学習する。
Learn where and how data such as Word, Excel, PDF, and Photoshop are stored. You will also learn about file type types and attributes.

*プリンター設定方法 (Printer setting method)
Learn how to set up your printer for the first time and how to set it up for network use. Also, learn how to get the printer’s IP address.

*ネットワークの設置方法 (Network installation method) パソコン間のネットワーク接続の練習、および簡単なセキュリティの設定などを学習する。
Practice network connections between computers and learn simple security settings.

*写真の中の文字を編集できるように変換する方法 (How to convert text in a photo so that it can be edited)
Learn how to convert text in photos taken with your cell phone so that you can edit them. For example: Learn to edit photos of outdoor signboards, letters in flyer catalogs, etc.

*クラウドシステムの概念 (Cloud system concept)
クラウドシステム (Google drive for Windows user / iCloud for Apple users) を使いそれらを実践的に使いそれらの概念を学習する。
Use cloud systems (Google drive for Windows users / iCloud for Apple users) to practice them and learn those concepts.

*リモートサイトのネットワーク管理方法 (Remote site network management methods)
Learn how to operate remote computers and networks using remote administration tools.

*ウエブサイトのデザインについて (About website design) HTML1からHTML5まで言語の違いを学習し、簡単なサンプルを作る事を学習する。
Learn the language differences from HTML1 to HTML5 and learn to make simple samples.

*パソコン・メンテナンスの手順 (PC maintenance procedure)
Learn tools to maintain or improve your computer’s performance.

*パソコン修理方法 (PC repair method)
Learn how to fix corrupted indexes that link program files to the OS. How to fix a computer that won’t boot.


